The Project Principles

Synergy of art and technology

An artistic project to help a technological project to be known.
A technological project to be used to empower artists.

Users' help matters

Help from users is important.
A user inviting another user creates a domino effect.
We have an invitation system that tracks the domino effect, and each user can see how far their domino effect has gone.
We consider both users who play the invitation game and NFT Crypto Playing Cards holders to be full-fledged partners, and both will receive an airdrop when the project reaches Phase 2.

A logical reward system

Token or stock prices are affected by large purchases or sales in a short period of time, leading emotional people to make mistakes.
Dividends depend on board decisions, and profits can be reduced by increasing expenses.
Royalties based on sales price are not dependent on profits or a board decision, can be automated with a smart contract, align the asset owners' goal with the organization's goal of increasing sales, and owners of an asset profit from owning it instead of selling it.
Royalties on sales are better than dividends, and investors used to goals like 10x 20x 30x on their exit they can do it by selling their right to receive royalties based on evaluation of the business, as usual.


M8e is a universal way of organizing data, this means that any existing application could convert its data into this format.
It is not the data that changes, but the way of organizing it.
By data, we mean paragraphs of text, numbers, images, sounds, videos, etc. that can be grouped into posts (like Facebook), short videos with descriptions (like Instagram and TikTok), titles, photos and product descriptions (like Amazon), tweets (like Twitter), sections of a website (like for programs that are used to create sites) and even charts (like for programs that manage graphs, financials, statistics etc.).

The current Facebook, Instagram, or Amazon, are applications that have each developed a specific way of organizing, displaying, and entering their data, and they could be recreated using M8e.
M8e is designed to permanently publish data compatible with a blockchain, so that it cannot be altered.
Published data allows, for example, a short video with description created within an application such as instagram to be displayed within an application such as amazon.
M8e is the missing link between the web as we know it today and the web of the future.
A web where data can be published immutably.
A web where users own the data they publish.
A web where data published from one platform is visible on other platforms.
A web where large corporations can continue to pursue their vision in a transparent way.


Indiepaint3rs is a project to empower independent painters.
The web app of will be the first application created using the M8e universal data model.
The vision is for a web application where users can purchase images for their websites as in or t-shirts and printed canvases as in and each time a sale occurs the NFT owner earns a royalty.